Sunday, 25 December 2016


Pharma Company

When anyone wants to start a pharma business, first question comes to his mind is :
 What should be the name of my pharma company?

And then :
What other things should be taken care while choosing name for  a pharma franchise company?
Here are some tips to be taken care:

1. Easy to pronounce:  Name of a pharma company should be very easy. It should be so simple that even a layman can pronounce it correctly. Pronunciation of that word should not be ambiguous. That word should be unique and very simple.

2. Length of word : Length of word also matters a lot. You should split it in two parts : One for that word and other should reflect that it belongs to pharma industry. See point number 5.

3. Availability on trade mark: Availability also plays a major role. Sometimes whatever we think for  a name, the same turns out to be already registered. We should make a list of names and then check their availability on the site:

4. No silent letters: No silent letters please. Keep it so simple that nobody is confused about its pronunciation .

5. Can add pharma, pharmaceuticals, life sciences, biomed, biotech, health, care, cure, biocare, drugs, help, sure etc.: Use suffixes like these to make it clear that it belongs to pharma industry. Many more can be used which reflects life, treatment or care.

6. Not necessarily the exact spelling : No need to stick to the some dictionary word with the  exact spellings. You can choose a word with different spellings to enhance chances of avaialability.
For example : Life : Lyf


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